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About Us

The NSFG Foundation was established in 1996 as a cooperate foundation,  with the mission of promoting financial and economic policy research, as well as uplifting cultural and artistic standards.  As part of its work, the foundation:

1. Provides grants in support of art groups and cultural events;

2. Organizes lectures on culture and the arts;

3. Encourages research for the development of financial and economic policies;

4. Organizes conferences, lectures and seminars on finance;

5. Sponsors academic research, lectures and publications.

 The foundation was endowed by Mr. Richard M. Hong, Chairman of Matsushita Electric (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. Current foundation funds are provided by Mr. Hong and his wife, as well as by the Hongs’ family business, the National Group.

 NSFG Foundation currently has a Board of Trustees of 15 members.

